Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Written and read by Linda Vincent and read on Sunday, April 19, 2015.

Good morning Heavenly Father,

We thank you for this beautiful day and the opportunity to worship and serve you.  You have blessed us abundantly and we appreciate the splendor of this earth.  Help us to open our hearts and minds as we study and hear your word.

Be with our congregation.  Bless the pastor and staff as they minister to us and the people of our community.  Help us all to be disciples in reaching out to others.

Lord in your mercy, hear our Prayer.

We pray for the new program against child trafficking - that these children will be released into loving homes.  Protect them from the predators that have robbed them of their childhood.  

Lord in your mercy, hear our Prayer.

We pray for those who are suffering from illness, especially Melanie Branstad and those we name in our hearts to you now.

Lord in your mercy, hear our Prayer.

We pray for those who have lost ones.  Comfort and heal them.  We pray for those who suffer from addiction and mental health that they can meet the challenges that they face.

Lord in your mercy, hear our Prayer.

Be with those who are abused and in pain.  Help them to feel your loving arms around them.  Give them the courage and strength to seek counseling and safety.

Lord in your mercy, hear our Prayer.

We thank you for the opportunity to pray and talk with you without the fear of persecution.

Lord in your mercy, hear our Prayer.

Be with the leaders of our country in the decisions they make.  Bless the men and women who serve in our military.  Protect them and keep them safe.

Lord in your mercy, hear our Prayer.

Lord we ask that you will be with our doctors and nurses as they treat the sick and the dying.  Give them the wisdom and the knowledge to heal them and comfort them.

Lord in your mercy, hear our Prayer.

We pray especially for the family of Chad and Brady Moreno from our congregation who joined you in heaven 15 years ago.  I remember my sister Karen on her birthday today as she celebrates in heaven with you.

Lord in your mercy, hear our Prayer.

Into your hands gracious Lord we commend all for whom we pray trusting in your mercy through Jesus Christ, our Savior. 


Monday, April 27, 2015

Prayers from Sunday, April 26th

Written and read by Laura Moore

With the whole people of God in Christ Jesus, let us pray for the church, those in need and all of God’s creation.

Lord, you are the good shepherd and we the church are your flock.  Help us Lord to follow your will and your Word in every walk of life; together serving in your mission to the world and sharing your love with those who cross our path each day.  

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord, you know each of us by name.  You know our hearts.  Forgive us Lord for our selfishness and thank you for showing us what is good.  Help us to act justly; to stand up and become advocates for the oppressed:  for the poor, the orphaned, the enslaved and those without the voice to fight for themselves.  

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord, we have done nothing to deserve your mercy, yet you give it freely.  Help us Lord to be merciful to others.  O faithful shepherd keep watch over the sick, the lonely and those who are suffering.  Today we pray especially for the victims of the Nepal earthquake and those coming to their aid; the family of Sally Evangelisti whose father passed away this past week; the 8th grade confirmands who are on their retreat this weekend.  Help us to take comfort in the knowledge that you know each and every sorrow.  Bring us your comfort and cover us with your peace.  

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

As we go out through these doors today and fall into the daily routines of our lives, help us to walk humbly with you Lord.  Strengthen our families, bless our community and help us to shed your light into this world that you created. 

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Into your hands, gracious God, we commend all who we pray, trusting in your mercy; through Jesus Christ, our Savior.  And we all say together, Amen.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Prayers from Sunday, April 19th

As we continue to come to the Lord in prayer with the words from members of St. Andrews the following prayers were used this past Sunday.

Written by Valerie Andersen

With the whole people of God in Christ Jesus, let us pray for the church, those in need, and all of God’s Creation.

O Christ, born of the Father before all ages, you took upon yourself our humanity and you rose for us:  we worship and glorify you.

Hear us, Lord of glory;  For your mercy is great.

Son of God, Source of life, we invoke your goodness upon us and upon the entire human family.

Hear us, Lord of glory;  For your mercy is great.

Give us grace to lose our sinful selves and be transformed to your will so that all may know we are your disciples.  Help us to live by your life and walk as children of light in the joy of Easter.

Hear us, Lord of glory;  For your mercy is great.

Increase the faith of your Church; draw it into one great company of disciples, bearing faithful witness to your love, grace, and resurrection wherever you may send us.

Hear us, Lord of glory;  For your mercy is great.

Holy One, you do not distance yourself from the pain of your people but willingly carry our afflictions. Comfort all who are burdened.  Restore to them the assurance of your unfailing help and engrave in their hearts your words of eternal life.

Hear us, Lord of glory;  For your mercy is great.

Strengthen those who are weak in faith, and reveal yourself to doubting hearts.

Hear us, Lord of glory;  For your mercy is great.

Give strength to the sick and rest to the weary, support the elderly, soothe the suffering, comfort the afflicted and reassure the dying by your saving presence.  We pray especially for …

Hear us, Lord of glory;  For your mercy is great.

Risen Christ, through the Gospel your voice makes itself heard softly.  You tell us:  “Why worry?  Only one thing is necessary, a heart attentive to my words and to the Holy Spirit.”  Bless us with listening hearts.

Hear us, Lord of glory;  For your mercy is great.

Into your hands, gracious God, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in your mercy; through Jesus Christ, our Savior.  Amen.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Is it Good News to you?

Good News
by Pastor Dan Deuel

Is it Good News to you?  I’m talking about the Gospel, the message of Christ’s work in the world to bring life, even eternal life, to all who believe.  We will experience another Holy Week at the beginning of April, the week that retells the story of all stories.  The week that communicates the source and foundation of the Christian faith.  

But is it Good News to you?  Is it making a difference?  Changing your life?  Worth sharing?  One of the criticisms of the Christian church is that people start there because they recognize they are a sinner in need of a Savior, but after a while everyone acts like they don’t need any help and have it all together (effectively driving off other sinners in need of a Savior).  It’s not Good News if the message sounds like a constitution for a club, with various rules and regulations and dues that must be observed and followed. . . or else!  

My friends, the Gospel is Good News.  The Gospel is described in dozens of ways throughout Scripture, all giving Good News to those in need.  Consider the following:  

For those tired and weary, for those busy and stressed, for those burdened with unrealistic expectations. . . Jesus calls to come to Him to find rest, for His burden is easy and His yoke is light (Matthew 11:28-30).  

To those who feel they don’t belong, who are drifting in this world, who don’t know whose family they belong to. . . God’s word tells us we are citizens of heaven, that He has adopted us as His children, and that He will make all things new (Phil. 3:20, Rev 21:1-5).

You were abused.  You’ve been betrayed by those who should have loved and protected you. . . Yet God has loved you with an everlasting love.  Jesus has borne your griefs, carried your sorrows, and by His wounds you are healed (Isaiah 53:3-5, Jeremiah 31:3).

You feel worthless.  The criticisms, rejections, and messages you’ve heard over and over are that you have no value, you can’t contribute to the world . . . but you have infinite value, for you were bought with a price-the life of the Son of God!  The Holy Spirit dwells within you to live and love and give and bless (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

Nothing satisfies.  You thought money or position or power or fame or certain relationships would fill the void inside.  You heard you could find contentment in having the right stuff or being with the right people. . . To you Jesus offers living water that quenches every thirst.  He offers the bread of life that forever sustains both body and soul (Matt 4:4, John 4:10-14, 6:48).

You’ve slept around again, are struggling with lust or porn or affairs of the mind, drinking from a well that isn’t yours, missing God’s beauty for this part of your life.  You feel used, shame, ironically lonely. . . Christ has promised to wash you and present you to himself as radiant and beautiful (Ephesians 5:25-32).

The guilt is crushing you.  You’ve forgiven yourself 1,000 times and still you can’t let it go.  You’re 100 times harder on yourself than your worst critic. . . God declares there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.  Nada.  Zero.  Zilch.  (Romans 8:1)

There’s more.  Lot’s more, my friends.  It’s Good News and it doesn’t stop being good.  Rejoice on Easter with us in this Good News, for He has overcome all things, and we with Him (1 John 5:1-4).  

May You Be Filled with Good New this Easter.

Prayers for Worship - April 12

Prayers for Worship on Sunday, April 12
written by Harriet Doyle

Good Morning Lord,

This is the day that you have made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it!  Thank you Lord for this day.  You have created a beautiful world for us and we thank you for that---for the newness and freshness of spring flowers and the flowering of the trees.  We also give you thanks for the blessings of Easter, your resurrection and the sure promise of forgiveness and eternal life.  We pray that the Holy Spirit will keep this message in our hearts and minds.  And because of you blessing us, help us to be a blessing to others. 

Lord, hear our prayer,
For your mercy is great.

Thank you Lord for each person here today.  We ask that through the words we hear today, the hymns, the prayers, and the sacrament of Holy Communion, each of us will be renewed to the purpose you have for us.  We are so thankful that we can freely worship here today.   Thank you for those who bravely protect our country and the freedoms that we enjoy.  And we pray for those around the world who are persecuted, even tortured and killed when they declare you as their Savior.  Lord be with them, strengthen them and forgive those who do evil against them.  Change the hearts of those who do harm.
Lord, hear our prayer,
For your mercy is great.

Lord we pray for those who are ill and those who care for them—family, friends, doctors, nurses, and care givers.   Give hope to those who are suffering from depression and other mental health problems.  Help each of us to understand the depths of their struggle and to share the hope we find in your strength and promise.  It seems easier to understand when someone has a physical health problem but much harder to understand mental health problems and addiction issues.  As you showed compassion to many, help us to follow your example of showing compassion.  In each of our own special circumstances, help us to walk with those who need our understanding and love, always sharing your message of hope and grace.  Give your angels charge over them.  Tend to the sick, give rest to the weary, bless the dying, soothe the suffering, and comfort the afflicted.  Be with all of those we now name in our hearts--Comfort them, and keep them steadfast in  their faith. 

Lord, hear our prayer,
For your mercy is great.

Lord, we pray for our city.  Stockton is a special city filled with many who are willing and able to reach out to others.  Bless their efforts.  We pray for those who are struggling with fear, homelessness, gangs, hunger, and despair that they will come to hear about you. We pray for those who protect our city and for the chaplains who comfort and sustain those who are touched by crime.

Lord, hear our prayer,
For your mercy is great.

And Lord we give thanks for each person here today.  Bless our congregation and each person who freely gives of their time and talents to serve others.  You have shown us how Lord to serve and we ask that as you continually walk with us, we will do and say what is pleasing to you.  Talking with you through prayer is precious.  Encourage and inspire us to pray often, not just in times of need but to thank and praise you throughout every day.

Lord, hear our prayer,
For your mercy is great.

We ask all of this in your Holy name.   Amen