Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Why Pray?

WHY PRAY?        

            My name is Angel Weber, and I have been a special education teacher in public education for  15 years. Holly asked me to share how prayer has impacted my life and my role as a teacher.
            To be very honest, it has only been about the last 2 years that prayer has become such a large part of my profession and my life.  Being part of the public education system, I have always struggled with my inability, in my profession, to outwardly and directly show and teach about Jesus. I found so much joy in teaching Sunday school and being part of Vacation Bible School and youth retreats and I wanted so much for the students I teach at school to have exposure to those same experiences. I often felt guilty for not pursuing a vocation in Christian education where I could outwardly and directly teach about Jesus.
            Since I have been coming to St. Andrew’s, I am so grateful to have been connected with and surrounded by wonderful, caring, and fun people. I have come to realize that I absolutely can outwardly and directly teach about Jesus through every little thing I do and say and in every interaction I have. I am more inspired than ever before to be an outward Christian that teaches about Jesus through the little things and even more importantly through the prayers I offer up.
            Prayer has become an important part of how I do my job because it seems like the one thing I can do to control such an out of control, frustrating situation. In my short 15 years of public education, I have experienced layoff notices, budget cuts, school board meetings, schools closing, educational lawsuits, common core, students with unreasonable parents, student deaths, teacher deaths, the list goes on and on…and none of these things are in my control. Prayer offers some semblance of control. Well, really...the sense of passing it off to the person who is really in charge...our loving Lord and God.
            Prayer has also impacted how I interact and care for the students and families I interact with. It has helped me to see them as people, as individuals with their own stories and paths, and as children of God. Many of the students I have worked with have been victims of poverty, neglect, emotional, and physical abuse.  Prayer seems to give me the comfort of knowing that they are in God’s hand and that there is a plan, and that I am just a small part of it; it has helped me to not be so judgmental and less frustrated…most of the time.
            The weekly connection card has been huge part of the increasing role of prayer in my life. It is so comforting to know that other people are praying… I pray for many of the students I work with. I pray for their home life and for them to feel the presence of Jesus. That they will know that Jesus loves them, and that the Lord will give them strength to overcome whatever challenges they endure. I pray for school board members, superintendents and principals that their decisions will be wise and of good intentions. I pray for fellow teachers that they might overcome their own personal challenges, and seek to build connections with kids. That they might have the understanding of what a profound affect their everyday interactions have on the students they work with.           
            I feel strengthened in the Lord when I pray. I feel confident that I can face the challenges that God has planned for me. Prayer has helped me be more patient and wise in my decisions, and I cannot help but feel the power of His will in the choices I make.

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