Monday, April 13, 2015

Is it Good News to you?

Good News
by Pastor Dan Deuel

Is it Good News to you?  I’m talking about the Gospel, the message of Christ’s work in the world to bring life, even eternal life, to all who believe.  We will experience another Holy Week at the beginning of April, the week that retells the story of all stories.  The week that communicates the source and foundation of the Christian faith.  

But is it Good News to you?  Is it making a difference?  Changing your life?  Worth sharing?  One of the criticisms of the Christian church is that people start there because they recognize they are a sinner in need of a Savior, but after a while everyone acts like they don’t need any help and have it all together (effectively driving off other sinners in need of a Savior).  It’s not Good News if the message sounds like a constitution for a club, with various rules and regulations and dues that must be observed and followed. . . or else!  

My friends, the Gospel is Good News.  The Gospel is described in dozens of ways throughout Scripture, all giving Good News to those in need.  Consider the following:  

For those tired and weary, for those busy and stressed, for those burdened with unrealistic expectations. . . Jesus calls to come to Him to find rest, for His burden is easy and His yoke is light (Matthew 11:28-30).  

To those who feel they don’t belong, who are drifting in this world, who don’t know whose family they belong to. . . God’s word tells us we are citizens of heaven, that He has adopted us as His children, and that He will make all things new (Phil. 3:20, Rev 21:1-5).

You were abused.  You’ve been betrayed by those who should have loved and protected you. . . Yet God has loved you with an everlasting love.  Jesus has borne your griefs, carried your sorrows, and by His wounds you are healed (Isaiah 53:3-5, Jeremiah 31:3).

You feel worthless.  The criticisms, rejections, and messages you’ve heard over and over are that you have no value, you can’t contribute to the world . . . but you have infinite value, for you were bought with a price-the life of the Son of God!  The Holy Spirit dwells within you to live and love and give and bless (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

Nothing satisfies.  You thought money or position or power or fame or certain relationships would fill the void inside.  You heard you could find contentment in having the right stuff or being with the right people. . . To you Jesus offers living water that quenches every thirst.  He offers the bread of life that forever sustains both body and soul (Matt 4:4, John 4:10-14, 6:48).

You’ve slept around again, are struggling with lust or porn or affairs of the mind, drinking from a well that isn’t yours, missing God’s beauty for this part of your life.  You feel used, shame, ironically lonely. . . Christ has promised to wash you and present you to himself as radiant and beautiful (Ephesians 5:25-32).

The guilt is crushing you.  You’ve forgiven yourself 1,000 times and still you can’t let it go.  You’re 100 times harder on yourself than your worst critic. . . God declares there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.  Nada.  Zero.  Zilch.  (Romans 8:1)

There’s more.  Lot’s more, my friends.  It’s Good News and it doesn’t stop being good.  Rejoice on Easter with us in this Good News, for He has overcome all things, and we with Him (1 John 5:1-4).  

May You Be Filled with Good New this Easter.

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