Monday, November 30, 2015

Prayers from Sunday, Nov. 29th - Number 2

Here are the prayers from the 10:45am worship service from Sunday, November 29th.  These prayers incorporated the song, "Open Up" by the musical group, The Brilliance.  It follows the parts of the Prayer of St. Francis.

May your love cause us to open up, cause us to open up our hearts
May your light cause us to shine so bright, that we bring hope into the dark

Good morning Lord – Thank you for this time we have to be with you in worship and prayer together as one body of Christ.  We live in a world that is desperate for peace; for peace between nations and people, between neighbors, in families, friendships and within ourselves. Lord, make us instruments of your peace.  Where there is hatred, let us sow love, where there is injury, pardon. 
Hope for the hopeless, your love is

Where there is doubt, let us bring faith; where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness let us bring joy. For those who are alone, oppressed, and left out, give us courage to reach out with your love to show them the grace we have felt from you.
Hope for the hopeless, your love is

Grant that we would not be so much seeking to be consoled as to console.  We pray in our heart especially for those who are struggling with their physical, mental and spiritual health now… May they find comfort, healing and be restored through your love. 
Strength in our weakness, your love is

Grant us that we would not focus too much on being understood without seeking to understand those around us.  Help us to seek not just to be loved by others but to seek to love.  For it is in giving that we receive; in pardoning that we are pardoned.  Lord we pray for the courage to forgive, not only others, but ourselves.  Lead us to reconciliation and restoration in and through you.

Strength in our weakness, your love is

May your love cause us to open up, cause us to open up our hearts
May your light cause us to shine so bright, that we bring hope into the dark

And all God’s people say.  Amen.

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