Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Prayers from March 6 - 8:15am

Prayers written and led by Cathy Pauley

Dear Gracious Heavenly Father,
O come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!
Lord, as our country prepares to choose the President of the United States of America, be with the candidates and give them strength. We ask that the Holy Spirit be their guide.  As citizens vote, we ask that they pray for a leader who trusts in you, Lord.  We thank you for this great Nation, and we ask that you protect its people here and abroad.
God of protection. Hear our prayer.

Lord, we lift up Deacon Tao as he leads our outreach to the Hmong community.  Lord, we ask that you give him strength and courage to reach out to these beautiful people.  We ask that you place Your Light in the Hmong community, not only in Stockton and the United States, but in Thailand as well.  We ask, Lord, that you open doors for him and his family to find employment and a home.   God of Love, hear our prayer.

Lord, we ask that you protect our service men and women whose selfless service protects our Nation.  We ask that you keep them safe and keep their families safe who wait for their return.  We lift up Chaz Johnson, Bradley Kramer, Daniel Pauley, and Margaret Wilson, and ask that you bless each of them.  We also ask Lord that you shine your Light wherever they are and bring peace, the peace that only you can bring to the world. God of Peace, hear our prayer.

Lord, we ask for spiritual and physical healing to those suffering. We ask that you give comfort to those undergoing treatment that causes pain and discomfort.  Be with those afflicted with cancer including my Pops, Marlene, Gina, John, Paul, and others we name in our heart. God of Healing, hear our prayer.

Lord, we ask that you look with compassion upon all who through addiction have lost their health and freedom. Restore to them the assurance of your unfailing mercy and remove the fears that attack them. God of Compassion, hear our prayer.

Lord, we thank you for the long-time St. Andrews member and office volunteer of by-gone years, Marie Shields, whom you called home last week.  We ask that you give comfort and peace to her family and friends who mourn her death, but rejoice that she no longer is suffering and is with You. God of Mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord, we lift up the “least of these” special people in the Good Shepherd Family Ministry. We ask for strength and compassion for those who volunteer in that program. We thank you Lord, for all those who love them as you have called us to. God, our Shepherd, hear our prayer.

Lord, we lift up Pastor Dan, Bruce, Holly, Tracy, Ann Marie, Brandyee, Newday Preschool staff, our mission and ministry council and all those who serve. We also remember our persecuted Christians throughout the world who suffer for the Gospel. And Lord, bless those who are training with The Sending Place, Rachelle, Jeanne and Brianna. Prepare them Lord to share the Gospel and share your Love in Ukraine and Ecuador.  We also ask for protection for Ann Marie and Mike who are in Costa Rica. God of Ministry, Hear our prayer.

Lord, walk with each of us as we continue our journey through Lent.  We ask that you help us focus on this season of reflection, repentance and preparation for the celebration of the death of resurrection of your son, Jesus Christ. Lord, you have blessed each of us to be a blessing to others.  We thank you, Lord.  And all of God’s people said, “Amen.”

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