Thursday, August 7, 2014

A Statement of Faith

Written by Michaella Mariani who confirmed her faith this past June.  She will enter high school this month.

       Hi, I am Michaella Mariani. I believe that God is the only God and without him
there would be less hope in the world for those who believe strongly in him. Without God in my life I wouldn’t have hope or reliance. When I see the cross I think of how an innocent person such as Jesus could die on the cross for our sins. He died on the cross for us to live an eternal life. He encourages us to learn from our mistakes and our sins.
        My mother helps me by encouraging me to stay connected to this church and I plan to repay her by continuing to make her proud of me. For me and the people my age the hardest things to deal with right now is bullying and judgment. Bullying happens so much. It brings darkness on the victims. Judgment is really common these days and I believe that no one should be judged for being themselves.
        God can use me to help others by helping me stand up to the shameful bullies and by telling those who judge others by telling them that everyone has their flaws even if others think they’re “perfect.” When I am confirmed I wish to help my church and my community and make my community a better place.
        I plan to stay close with the awesome friends I’ve made over the years by keeping in touch with them. I will stay close to God’s family by going to church no matter where I am in the world. I plan to listen to God’s word by reading the Bible, praying every night, and attending church.
        I will spread God’s love by helping others through the hard times in their lives. I will spread his love by caring for them when their hopes give up. I will spread his love by bringing them trust and support when they need it. I will spread his love by filling other’s hearts with love.
         I will serve my family and my closest friends by being a good, caring person towards all. I will serve the world by traveling to other countries to help those in need. I will help them through hunger and thirst. In God’s world I will bring peace and justice by standing up for myself and others especially. I believe that our world is full of hatred and needs to be united and embrace diversity.
         I am willing to devote myself into God’s ways and give my time to help the world through the church and my future job. The calling in my life hasn’t come to me yet but I look forward to him calling me to it. Thank you.