Monday, February 6, 2017

Prayers for Sunday, February 5, 2017

Prayers written and led by Laura Moore

Dearest Heavenly Father,
We gather together today to praise and worship You.  We pray that You will work in each one of us and help us to imitate You.  We are Your children and You are our Father.  Help us to live a life of love, just as Christ loved us so much that He gave His life so that we could be saved. Lord in Your Mercy, hear our prayer.

Help us to shine bright to this world that is so full of darkness.  Bless the many ministries that are in place spreading Your light.  We pray for Your blessings upon Crossing Cambodia, The Sending Place, God’s Hidden Treasures, Capstone Ministries and the many others that seek to reach the lost and broken across this planet. 
Lord in Your Mercy, hear our prayer.

Dearest Father, help us to reflect Your light to our nation.  Lord, we are so divided.  Help us, Your people, to stand apart from others by our actions.  Help us to speak in order to build others up, so that our words will benefit those who listen.  We pray for Your blessings, Your truth and Your justice to flow upon our government leaders, from the very least to the very greatest.  Heal our country. Lord in Your Mercy, hear our prayer.

Help the Church, we at St. Andrews and the many other believers who live in Stockton and the surrounding cities to shine bright in our community.  Please bless the ministries that we have here at St. Andrews that work at spreading Your light and love to others:  The Good Shepherd Family, Mops, New Life, LWML, Sunday School, H2H and the high school youth.  Continue to fill our volunteers and staff with wisdom, patience and love so that they can continue to serve You. Lord in Your Mercy, hear our prayer.

Open our eyes to those who are struggling in our neighborhoods, our schools, our places of work and business.  Help us to be kind and compassionate to others, whether we feel that they deserve it or not.  Lord please be with those who are struggling in our church community.  Those who are struggling emotionally, those who are struggling with addiction, those who are healing.  Please be with those that we name in our hearts…
Lord in Your Mercy, hear our prayer.

Thank You Father for those who selflessly give in order to help the homeless in our city.  We pray that You will renew and strengthen those who work and volunteer at St. Mary’s dining hall, the Gospel Center Rescue Mission, the homeless shelter and the many other agencies that serve the homeless.
Lord in Your Mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord, we pray that You will help us to spread Your light in our homes.  Fill our hearts with thankfulness.  Lord it is so easy to take those we love for granted- help us to not let the sun go down while we are angry.  Help us to forgive each other, just as You forgive us.
Lord in Your Mercy, hear our prayer.

Father, help us to reflect the glory of Your son, each and every day, everywhere that we go.
And all God’s people agree and say….Amen.