Sunday, October 11, 2015

Prayers written and read by Diane Dolphin

Gracious heavenly Father, 

Thank you for the many blessings you have given us - the rain this past week, our families, friends, food and shelter, but most importantly, your love and the gift of your Son, Jesus Christ and thru him, eternal life with you.

You have told us to ask when we want something as children as their Fathers.  Today, Father, we pray for the end to the violence in our world.  It plagues our schools and our neighborhoods and the wars plague us world wide.  I never thought that Christians in America would be killed because of their faith in you, but it's happened.  Please give comfort to the families of all those whose lives were touched by the latest incident in Oregon. 

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Please send the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of those who perpetuate these evil deeds and let us all live in peace until you come again.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those who are physically and emotionally ill, for those who suffer from addiction and mental illness, and the homeless.  Please lay your healing hands on them and let them feel your love surrounding them.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray that the Holy Spirit will work in the hearts of those who have rejected you so that they will finally accept you and the salvation you have given us.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord please hear our silent petitions at this time...

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We, your people, ask these things in your name and together we say.  Amen.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Prayers Written by Rachelle Moreno

Let us come to our Lord in prayer,

Heavenly Father, first and foremost, we give you thanks for loving us unconditionally.  We give thanks for the grace you give us that we can extend to those in our lives.  We thank you that you forgive us even though we do not obey and trust you with our whole hearts or keep your commandments.  We thank you for those hearts who hear your calling to support those in need, especially all those who lost their homes in the fires.  Give them courage to restart and the means to do so.

Lord, in your mercy: Hear our prayer

Father please help repair what we have broken in our relationships when we just completely mess up and do not live out your word in our lives.  Teach us and help us undo the damage we cause due to our sins because of our disobedience to you.  We thank you especially for the Holy Spirit that lives in our hearts to help guide us and lead us to opportunities to share your love with others; those that may be desperate for a kind word or deed.  We may be the only love of Jesus that they see, so let us give glory to you by strengthening us to act immediately and work diligently seeing ALL people as if we were looking through your eyes Father and seeing the pain that lingers in each and every person.  Let your power work in their lives.  

Lord, in your mercy: Hear our prayer

We pray for those who point us in the right direction in our lives, our pastors, teachers, and leaders who tirelessly teach the many ministries at St. Andrews that help us all grow in faith.  Thank you for those who serve our community and the missionaries who share the gospel around the world.  We pray for our veterans, firefighters and police officers who serve to protect us and keep us safe.

Lord, in your mercy: Hear our prayer

We pray for our rulers, those who govern our country.  We pray that the current candidates that are are voted into office are ones that have Christian values and morals to help bring a much needed positive change to our world.

Lord, in your mercy: Hear our prayer

We pray for the many ministries at St. Andrews.  We continue to pray for the hour between services that allows us to be in your word more through study time.  We pray for our Good Shepherd ministry, New Life Ministry, H2H, and for the High School Youth.  We pray for our mission teams training to go spread the good news.  We pray for Tao and Tia Lee as they minister to the Hmong Community.

Lord, in your mercy: Hear our prayer

We pray for those who have life threatening health battles, and those affected by violence in our community.  We pray for the homeless, those battling addictions, those in violent relationships, and those suffering Mental health issues.  Protect them all.  We pray that we may be a light in this dark world and extend love and mercy to them even when it may be out of our comfort zone.  We pray for members of our congregation going through grief or suffering from illness.  Please put your healing hands on them during this time.

Lord, in your mercy: Hear our prayer

Father we know there is power in prayer so we ask that as we all come to pray diligently to you that you go to battle for us against the forces of evil that attack our hearts and minds.  We ask that you hear all these prayers and petitions.  We humble ask in your Son's precious name, Jesus.  And all God's people said.
